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tradition represented by the lateen sail

Burtiz Sepurina - 26.8.2012.


After a few days of worrying if there will be wind in time for the Burtiz regata, it started blowing early in the morning. A gentle breeze, but it was enough. Sailors from Murter and Betina made the grandest arrival ever - a fleet of boats with full sails. Sepurinians prepared everything else: brunch, boats, support services, dinner and prizes. Sime rushed from Palermo to Montecarlo to prepare Dumina in time for the Sepurina burtiz.

Sepurina awaits.

Bad weather is coming, a lot sooner than we thought. Two boats in Proversa were damaged. Zadar is hit by 40 knots of tramuntana. Biograd and Pasman channel were hit as well. Murter is hit by heavy rain. Nevera is coming.

Boats are being secured for the upcoming storm. A saying goes that you protect the boat from land, and it protects you from the sea.



Boats are being prepared for the coming storm. Anchors are repositioned and additional ropes secure the boats.




Two speedboats came dangerously close to shore and the owners hurried to save them. It was close, but they managed to get away safely.


Main part of the storm went over Kaprije, which was hit by a strong tramuntana. Boats are scattered all over the sea. Two Italians are trying to save the boats. We can't help them so we pray to st. Nikola to keep the ropes away from the propellers. They manage to get away, as well two other boats, in the last second.

The port offers good protection.



The storm ended as fast as it appeared. The boats calmed down.


Evening. With a bonaca blowing, everyone is relaxing. Bura is expected tomorrow, so a lot of people are already leaving, while others have some other matters to attend to. See you next year!

Dumina sets sail. Two miles from Sepurina to Tribunj. Burtiz was a huge success and everyone enjoyed. Special thanks to: Jezeranians, Frzopians, Marin on the Cicibela, Sime on the Dumina and others.

And so another Burtiž finished. The ones who participated claim it was the best yet. Once again, the beautiful sunset seen from Šepurina was exceptional during Burtiž.

Latinsko idro continues it's season. The final week is waiting for us in Murter.

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