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tradition represented by the lateen sail

LATEEN SAIL DAYS 2009 - book promotion on Smokvica
Sailing in the Kornat islands is always an adventure.
A promotion of the book "Balade o Kurnatariman" (Ballads of Kornat's People), by Ante Stipanelo - Suko, was held on the island of Smokvica. The book speaks of everyday lives of people inhabiting the Kornat archipelago and surrounding islands, and the hardships of a life on Kornat's unhospitable shores. One particular quote from the book summarizes this brilliantly: "Hell holds no fear for me, as long as there's no Kornat there."
Guests were also treated to a short performance by a theatrical troupe consisting of both professional and amateur actors, who played out excerpts from the book.

The island bathed in morning light shows its true beauty, and a short stroll unveils a myriad of motifs for a photographer.


Lateen Sail Days 2009

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