After the protocol introduction of the participants, the announcement of the content and the opening of the event,
the first sailing followed. This year, the specially honored guests are representatives of similar associations for the maintenance and promotion of the maritime tradition from Slovenia.
Meeting friends after three years is the first joy, and the second is sailing in company with them!
In addition to old acquaintances, it is also nice to see new things: new people who will sail,
new boats that are involved in such events, renovated boats, newly built boats that are starting a hundred-year voyage. Thus, the sailing ship Nerezinac attracted the most attention. The old logger has been renovated and looks like a new construction, which is the magic of a wooden ship. The Coordination of
associations for the preservation of maritime heritage, tourist boards, maritime faculties did what they had been thinking about for years.
Among the rich program and accompanying activities of those days in the Old Town, it is worth highlighting the recital given by Dinko Lupi, Joško Božanić, Bartol Dulčić and a pianist whose name I will write down as soon as I find it out. Some singing with piano accompaniment, then some maritime poetry, mostly Božanić's, then music from Felini's film Amarcord and finally the favorite and very striking theme from the Split watercolor O kućo mala. The local cultural scene has something to show and should participate in this great event with all available means.
The second is a world-class attraction. Starogradsko polje, Ager, is the oldest cadastral area on earth in almost its original form. Its uniqueness and value are difficult to understand for those who are not historians or surveyors, but you can take a walk and feel the uniqueness to some extent.
On the second day, it set sail immediately in the morning. Beautiful sunny weather and light wind just right for exhibition sailing, and the sky full of little clouds completes the lively picture. Festive atmosphere in a beautiful city. And what holiday is it? The celebration of the sea and sailors, which is a tourist asset for anyone who knows how to make a meaningful and interesting story.
Numerous events took place in parallel on the mainland as well. Members of the South Side Association from Jezera prepared lunch for all participants and earned the highest marks and praise. There was music and singing in the square; in the tents, the program was dedicated to our Slovenian friends, and in front of the tents, a mixed musical repertoire; European projects were discussed on the sailing ship Nerezinac; friends met on the waterfront and talked about the first thing that came to mind; night sailing was being prepared on boats and ships. The crew of the Šepurinas gajeta Mila has been encouraging mass folk singing for years. Undescribable! Although there were no fireworks this year, half an hour after sailing, no one mourned them, and in the square people sang in memory of Abba.
Bad weather had been forecast for days, so some started to return home earlier. The next morning there was a worsening. Rain, then downpour, then rain again. Instead of morning coffee, travelers started their journey by road, and those who were supposed to go by sea stayed to wait for better weather.
There are many more events and phenomena that deserve a few words. I don't know how to cover them, but I promise to try in that sense.