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tradition represented by the lateen sail

Lantina - Jezera 20.7.2014.


We meet at Jezera for the third time. Our hosts demonstrate their excellent organization skills that earned them their high reputation among others in our Lateen Sail family. The Jezeran Latina quickly became one of the most popular regatas, with side events that last for one week. Over 40 registered boats puts it in the third place for the biggest regata in Dalmatia.

Entrence to the port is just big enough for this many boats. It's crowded, but everything is still going on in the usual dalmatian nonshalant rythm. The wind is weak, just good enough for leisure sailing, but not enough for anything more competitive. This year so far isn't going in the favor of traditional sailors.

There's a lot of people on the boats. This is important for propagating this idea of maritime tradition. The hosts also try to give photographers the best conditions to take photos, which is commendable. Regatas end, standings are forgotten, but good phots are forever.

The Jezeran Latina and it's side events were very good. We'll see each other next year, and till then we'll be meeting on similar regatas during the monts of July, August and September.

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