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tradition represented by the lateen sail
5. 8. 2022.

Jezera 24.7.2022.


The Lantina regatta in Jezera is the closest to the original idea of preserving maritime heritage and tradition. Regatta is just an occasion and collective name for numerous events related to the sea. Presentations of traditional customs and traditional gastronomy, socializing with tourist and seafaring guests, exhibitions, folklore events, exhibition sailing for tourists and anything else that comes to mind are organized. The last thing is the regatta in the competitive sense. The people of Jezera have been building their fleet for years. They are helping to preserve the wooden ship. For years, the people of Jezera have sailed as guests, for years they have been excellent hosts, and for years they have neither had nor sought competitive results. Their result was everything else, and that is the most important result. When they achieved everything else, then came the competitive result.

The torch when the winning team entered the finish line means that they believed that the time had come for that as well. The crew made up of young lions and experienced cats brought to Jezera the first trophy in the most demanding competition, in the gajet class. Young Emilio Lapov Padovan gathered a good team and won. Gajeta does not have a name, but it has a registration number TI183698, which is slow to remember and quickly forgotten. I don't like labels like that, but I like names. Give the ship a name, people. This is the only way we can follow his life path. It is very often a female name because Dalmatians in many regions say "ova brod" or "ova gajeta", so the feminine gender.

It should also be said that third place was won by a young crew from Tisno. The regatta started last year shows that they have the will and desire for good sailing. The first podium could be an incentive for young people, because if we don't encourage them, there is no future for this and similar events. Today, I consider this a great sign of optimism.


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