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tradition represented by the lateen sail

side events

The festival started September 18th with Ante Granik's movie and Bosko Lucev's photographs taken during Rota Palagruzona. The authors were very pleased by the audience's interest. During this time Georg Gindl showed his photographic vision of last year's Dani Latinskog idra.

A manifestation called Posada Bazokiceva leuta tuce mrtu za crviti mrize was held on Saturday, September 25th. The name says it all, if you know who Bazokici are. A company of ten good people performed an old scene that was common in our villages.

First the mrta is beaten with wooden hammers to separate it from bits of wood.

After that the mrta is thrown into the water and dissolved. Ropes are put into this water during a couple of days to darken and strengthen.

Hard and important jobs, such as preparing nets, are always accompanied with a song and with the traditional Marenda na Staroj rivi. Rain raises the question: what will the weather be like tomorrow?

The traditional Uzina na betinskoj rivi was held in the afternoon, but rain almost ruined the fest. For photographers, on the other hand, rain is a good opportunity to make some good pictures, while the others keep repeating: what will the weather be tomorrow?

Immediately after the meal dr. Robert Mohovic from Rijeka held a lecture: Preservation of marine, fishing and shipbuilding heirdom - expiriences from the Northen Adriatic.

In the evening the Forski kantadurs impressed the audience with an exceptional concert of traditional songs.

On sunday the 26th the representatives of associations of the wooden boats and traditional sailing held a meeting. The subjects were the problems of the associations and sharing expiriences during their work and performance before different levels of authority.

Lateen sail 2010

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