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tradition represented by the lateen sail

Latinsko idro - Murter 28.9.2014.


Here we are again for the 17th time on Murter for some sailing. During the whole year, organizers of such events are frightened that bad weather will hit them. This year was no different. However, the weather turned out to be amazing.

There used to be very few boats and just a few people on each of them, but now we have eighty boats with over 400 participants, coming from all around the coast, from Istra nad Kvarner to Hvar and Komiža. This is the biggest traditional boats regata, and everyone wants to be a part of it. There are a lot of tourists, but also a lot of people who plan to come to Murter during the regata. The week during the regata is filled with all sorts of other entertaining and traditional shows, exhibitions and lectures.

The starting line is almost 400 meters wide. 400 meters filled with boats clumping up to get a good start.

The boats are full of people. There's almost a dozen people on Bažokić, Mile Pile is joined by a group from Slavonia. Even the favourites had numerous crewmembers. Looking at these eighty boats from afar, they seem like a swarm. But from their perspective, every boat is an adventure. Some of the crew on them sail for the first time, and the weather is perfect for them to enjoy sailing at it's fullest.

While some just enjoy sailing as it is, others are doing their best to win this regata. Bepina took the lead, followed by Mala Matulića and Sirotica. These expirienced crews and their boats keep fighting for leadership, and their sailing was very interesting to watch. The younger crews were good as well, with the crew of Godul even passing one of the favourites, Trtuša.

One big sailing boat raised it's sails and briefley joined us as part of our regata.

Being a photographer on the Murter regata for quite a few years now, I must commend the organizers for taking such good care for the people documenting the event. Unfourtenately, this is not the case with most other regatas. Taking the perfect shot takes a lot of work and a lot of elements must come together perfectly. It's easier when you have some help from the organizers.

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