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tradition represented by the lateen sail

MORBIHAN 2015 - island aux Moines and island Pa¹man friendship

Sailors are known to have numerous friends. If you need help, you ask your friends first. If a stranger helps you out, he becomes a friend. Help at sea means life more than it means death.

The fraternization of the islands of aux-Moines and Pa¹man is a celebration for all sailors. Hydrograaf was the first to set off from port Vannes, followed by hundreds of boats.

A crowd gathered in fron of Port Blanc. Boats both small and big are all here, looking forward to the event, including the proud Etoil de France, Kaskelot, Etoile du Ray, Iris, Morgenster, Hydrograaf, and others, all came to celebrate the friendship between sailors.


We cross to the island with a small ferry. There, everything si full of ships and people in a festive atmosphere. The Pa¹man gajeta "Mala Matuliæa" is tied to a special pier.


Kind words from both town representatives. The regional perfekt and ambassador of Croatia wish that these kind words translate to actions, and expect too see the French on Pa¹man this year.

Morbihan Week

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