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tradition represented by the lateen sail

PAŠMAN 21.6.2015.


I didn't attend the first traditional sailing in Pašman, but I did watch it. How so? Traveling down the highway I stopped in Turanj and went to see what was going on in the 2km distant Pašman. Just as I got there, the boats lined up and were off after a minute or two. I recognized some of the boats and who was sailing on them and where they were sailing. Kurnatarica, Betina, Cvita, Gudac, Mala Matulića, Baba Tone, Buha, Mati Jezerka, Fržopova Marinka, Gušte... I even recognized who the favourites were. Around twenty boats are, seems to me, in for a tough sail, right into the wind. But there is an optimistic saying: nothing is hard on the sea.










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