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tradition represented by the lateen sail

Regatta Rovinj Batana 2009 - exhibition

A photo exhibition by Gordan Ukic and Bosko Lucev named DIGNIMO IDRA! - ALESMO LI VILE! was held as part of the event. Ukic presented photos from previous regatas, while Lucev presented photos from the regata held in Sepurine on the island of Prvic, which was very close to the Latinsko idro held on Murter. The exhibition was opened in Svaba street and was later moved to the harbour. Traditional singers, bystanders and competitors all joined the happening.

A few years back, on a big nautical exhibition in Brest, the historical meeting of Rovinians, Murterans and Komizans occured. These people, not knowing anything about each other, noticed they were all attempting to bring back traditional sailing and promised to each other to visit each other's regata.

The Rovinj peninsual is very grateful for the organization of the events in the street, having a long tradition in it themselves. Batanas complete the expirience with their colorful sails.

Rovinj 2009




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