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tradition represented by the lateen sail

Body and Soul Regatta - Betina 17.8.2014.


It's very hard to tell if a regata will be successful or not. We evaluate it once it's over. But everyone that visited both this year's regatta and the one last year claim that this one was better. And it's not because of any big changes, but the little details.

It's nice when guests come from far away. This time Luciano Keber visited us all the way from Rijeka. He is one of the details that made this event better than the last. One more thing that many agree was a good call was shortening the route for the race, which made for more dynamic sailing. Also, unlike last years when there were rarely any boats with ten or more people on it, this year there were only few boats with less than four crew members.

This is the idea of lateen sail. This is the atmosphere that brought this to a great event.

Because of my photography I'm always facing the dilemma. If I stay on the speedboat that follows the competitors I can get a better angle and move where I want, but if I join someone on their boat I can be in the middle of the competition but I don't have the mobility to pick the shots I want. In the end I join the crew of the leut Bažokić. We had a remarkably good start, bringing us to fifth place just before the first buoy, in front of most favourites.

Where are we heading? Forward. We have no one to follow. We have to find our own way, find the next buoy alone. I take pictures of others trying to catch up to us. Turns out I got a better position for taking photos than I would ever get from going on one of the supporting boats.

Near the end the same ten crews fought for victory. The first was the gajeta Mala Matulića. Sirotica broke it's rudder during the race so they arrived by rowing. We came at the middle. The good atmosphere from this morning lasted all the way to the end of the day.

This time the Regatta for body and soul justified it's name.

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