This year's Lateen Sail Days opened with the photo exhibition "Dignimo idra" (Raise the sails), featuring photographs by Gordan Ukic and yours truly, Bosko Lucev, in Betina. Gordan's photos are from the annual regatta in Rovinj (Rovigno), and my part of the exhibition showed the Sepurine sail race.
Rovinj, Murter and Komiza had been working on reviving the tradition of gajeta sailing for years, unbeknownst to each other, until the day representatives of all three happened to meet at a maritime exhibition - in Brest, France, of all places. From then on and for the past several years, each of their respective, formerly local sail races became hosts to visitors from half the Adriatic away. The exhibition held here is part of the collaboration. The exhibition was first unveiled in June 2009. in Rovinj, during their sail race. |
A few words by the organizers. |
Crews from Murter and Betina were prevalent in the Sepurine race, so the locals are looking for familiar faces in the photographs. |
The exhibition was open for ten days. See you again next year.
Dinner at shipyard Ciro. |
Profesor Skracic spoke of the history of the ship Cicibela. |
The same evening, a photo exhibition "Gajeta - Sveti brod" ("Gajeta, the holy ship") had an opening at the Srimac gallery. The exhibition consists of authentic photographs of 19th century gajeta from various private and state archives, including those of Zagreb and the city of Vienna, collected and assembled by Davor Klarin.
The author has collected large number of vintage photographs. Many familiar locations are difficult to recognize. Series of pictures show landmarks as they changed with the passage of time.
Ships and the sea are eternal motifs, but during the Lateen Sail Days, they're a hot topic again. |
The highlight of the evening, and this year's whole Lateen Sail Days, is the screening of As the Sea Rages, commemorating the 50th anniversary of its premiere. I'd heard stories of that movie. Most of them turned out to be false. This evening, we got to hear the full account, told by professor Juraga. We got to hear, first hand, the background, the historical circumstances and the events surrounding this film, and the great impact it has had on the community on Murter.
As the Sea Rages (Nemirno more) directed Horst Hächler 1959.
Cast Maria Schell, Cliff Robertson and Cameron Mitchell. |
The cinema filled up with impatient expectation, and the excitement with which people greeted every familiar face and location in the movie testified to its significance to the people of Murter.
The Lateen Sail foundation organized a trip to the island of Mana, where the majority of the material had been filmed, for all the members of the film's cast and crew and their families. |
Lateen Sail Days 2009