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tradition represented by the lateen sail

LATEEN SAIL DAYS 2009 - breakfest on Murter pier and sail to Betina

The "marenda" (breakfast) on the pier is a gathering for friends and guests. It's a chance for visitors, tourists and passerby to talk to the participants of the events, get informed on the upcoming events, and have a breakfast of the simple but delicious dish of grilled sardines.
The crews are already arriving. The crew from Hvar is here ahead of time. They've sailed for two days from Hvar to Murter, and started early enough in case of bad weather. The crew from Rab is here too. Even though they're sailing outside the regular competition, they wanted to make sure to be here in time for the race

The organizers were showing off the Kurnatarica, the pride of Murter's shipyards, the mascot of sorts of Murter's sail race, hailed as one of the most beautiful ships in the Adriatic.

The lateen sail is a symbol of a revival of tradition, of sailing and everything that surrounds it. Everything the Lateen Sail Week stands for.
A formal visit between the people of Murter and Betina has become a customary part major events and occasions, and the Lateen Sail Week is one of them. There was a gathering with dinner on the pier in Betina, in anticipation of next day's main event: the sail race. The Body and Soul Regatta.

A concert of the Oratory Choir "Ivan Matetic Ronjgov" from Rijeka was held at St Mihovil's church in Murter. The sail race is held in the honor of St Mihovil, the patron saint of the parish of Murter.

Tomorrow is the lateen sail race.

Lateen Sail Days 2009

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