The sailing race day is a special day on Murter. Guests are arriving. Final preparations are made, boats are undergoing their final inspections. People are looking for openings in the crews. Everyone wants to participate. |
In the morning, pilots register their crews and are given the final details of the race. The crews themselves are enjoying the pre-race festivities.
The crew of the Bazokic arrived at the last moment. In traditional garb and accompanied with old folk songs, their entrance is a spectacle in itself.
Boats are grouped by category at the starting line, with the fiercest competitors clumped close together. The "bitter rivals" join in song. |
The classical "gajeta" are positioned off to the other side. Most boats in the race are the traditional "gajeta", and that class is what the people came here to see. |
Spirits are high, and everyone is excited to be part of the event.
The start is hectic. Everyone is angling for a better position, trying to catch a good wind and take the lead. |

The first couple of minutes are crucial. It's hard to make up for lost time later on, so getting a good position is critical. There are only a few spots along the route where you can catch up or overtake the oponents, and a good start will give you a trememndous advantage. |
Lateen Sail 2009