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tradition represented by the lateen sail

LATEEN SAIL 2009 - sailing to the Mala Arta buoy
After the first mile, the faster teams are already taking the lead, and the less fortunate ones are already lagging behind. The boats vary in sizes and crew. The Bazokic crew weighs over a ton in total, while the "batana" only fits two people. The on average 20 ft "gajeta" are the fastest boats in the race, followed closely by the larger "leut", whose larger sail compensates for their weight. Following them are the smaller "gajeta" and other boats carrying spectators. A total of 400 people at sea, participating or watching the race.
Here's Georg Gindl, covering the event. (www.gindlfoto.at)

The above photo caught about half the participating boats. Imagine that many more.

There was another sail race going on in the vicinity, "ordinary," modern sailboats. Also an impressive sight, and an exciting sporting event, but our lateen sail regata is still something special.

Special thanks go to the man kind enough to give me a ride. Karmelo proudly proclaimed his Italian origin, but even more proudly his Murter home, where his son was born.

Lateen Sail 2009

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