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tradition represented by the lateen sail

LATEEN SAIL 2009 - from Radelj to the finish line
After the turn, the return route leads through the Radelj - Mali prišnjak strait. Ships were tacking the wind and zig-zagging and the channel, only 130 metres wide in places, got pretty crowded. Turns had to be tight, since every maneuver cost precious time. Crews would sail as close to the coast as they could, and then turn using oars.
After they've passed Radelj the route is easier, except for the shallows between Murter and Vinik that have to be navigated carefully.
It's evident that the lateen sail is making a comeback, and the tradition lives on. Younger generations are learning the skills and participating in races.

One of the ships had a grandfather of 92 years on the crew. Gajeta are a part of life here. The tradition bridges the gaps and connects generations. But the race also connects all the friends of Murter, who participate in the event in one way or another. Many of them plan and time their vacations to the Lateen Sail Week, to be able to attend the races.
The winning ships line up at the pier, the rest are grabbing whatever spot they can find. The crews are analyzing the race. The Bazokic crew starts the song. Georg and Gordan are trying to get a better vantage point, still tirelessly documenting the event.

And in the end, a reply I got from chef Vedranko after complimenting the great food he prepared for everyone present:

"It costs me the same to make good food and bad food, so why not make the best I can?".

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