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tradition represented by the lateen sail

ROTA PALAGRUZONA 2010 - departure from Murter

On the day of departure, Sunday 20th June, weather conditions were far from ideal. After a long period of bad and unstable weather, it is said that bad weather is about to get worse, with heavy winds. A word from the radio in the morning: winds calming down, a storm is expected. The traffic on St. Rocco tunnel is moving slowly. The situation is becoming increasingly difficult, demanding maximum attention to evaluating the current state and adapting, while the sea still brings waves from south. After some time of waiting, we've decided to head out to Tisno just in time for the bridge to rise in the afternoon, thus avoiding going around Murter and sailing into open sea. After that we are to go further south. Primosten Rogoznica, Drvenik?

A small group of boats set out at around 4 PM. The three murteran-betinian vesseles were backed up by a leut from Rijeka, Sajeta. The four beautiful wooden boats set sail on a 65 mile trip to Hvar. The crew from Rijeka already has 100 miles behind them.

Our marenda included listening to the radio, searching the Internet, listening to the captian and looking at the sky. However, high tide was showing us the power of the southern wind.

Just before the bridge in Tisno Jaruh, Bazokic, Kurnatarica and Sajeta start getting attention from tourists and locals. At 5 PM we've already passed the strait and kept on sailing south to Primosten and Rogoznica. There's a long way ahead, but nothing difficult.

As we sail on for miles, we see lightning flashing in the distance. First on the mainland, then north, south and west. Lightning all around us. There's no north-eastern wind, so we try to sail as far as we can. We pass cape Ražanj in the dark, and if weather serves us, we'll try to get to Drvenik or Vinisce. Later, around 10 p.m., we were caught in a heavy storm, fourtenately without any winds, so the trip was fairly easy. We've decided to spend the night at Vinisce.

Right next to Zmajan (Orut) we've met the ship Kraljica mora, which greeted us knowing where we're heading.


The next day we set sail at around 10:30 AM to Solta expecting the northeastern wind, so we're sailing on the bottom side to the island of Hvar. We're expecting, if we go an hour earlier, we'll trade an hour or two of rain for an hour or two od wind, which seemed like a good tradeoff.

However, instead of the predicted wind, we were greeted by 2-3 meter waves beneath Solta. Rain, clouds and sunshine keep switching, making it a great opportunity for taking pictures.

By the cape Pelegrin waves are the highest, and the clouds start to clear. Understandable, seeing that we're near sunny Hvar, and today is the first day of summer.


After a few hours of rough sea we've entered the Hvar harbour at aroun four p.m. The Mandrac on Hvar was freed for us so almost a dozen of ships gathered untill the evening.

We're being surrounded by tourists, because this was a rare image.

The evening was marked with an introduction of all the boats and a a big evening feast dedicated to the crews of Rota Palagruzona that arrived. Old friends meet, even professor Skracic came to encourage the crews from Murter and Betina.

The propositions require all the safety equipment we do not yet have so the captians decide what to do next.

Tommorow is the day.

Rota palagruzona 2010

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