The first morning chore on the regata is preparing the boat. Since we don't know the exact time for the start, we have to be ready whenever it is announced. Today's route is from Vis to Komiža. The eather is unstable, and knowing how the winds will blow is vital in choosing the right route.
We can't find time to go sightseeing, sails and masts above all else.
Bura, which suits the falkusa but other boats are getting ready for some difficult sailing.
The bay on Vis is pretty deep, so people wonder how's the weather outside of it.
The strong wind favors the bigger boats, because they require a lot of force to get going.
The start is announced. Excitement is rising.
We pass by other sailros greeting us.
The boats head off to the island of Host. Jaruh, Kurnatarica, Sajeta, Comeza Lisboa...
... Dumina, Barba Brane...
Among the registered boats there was a nameless gajeta with marks RG-985. This boat had no sails and no masts, but it had a crew. A hearty crew that wants to learn, that wants to sail and wants to expirience life on the sea. When they think of a name, they'll write it. When they make a mast, they'll put it. When they tailor a sail, they'll raise it. Until then, they'll countinue to support the regata.
With an easy bura we have to deal with a lot of waves.
Falkusa are built to withstand these kinds of winds and waves, due to the fact that before, people had to use these boats to travel long distances.
Even with a high build, Comeza Lisboa and Mikula would dissapear behind the high waves.
The smaller boats prepare for a difficult struggle with the sea. Everyone is awaiting the sign to start.
The Jaruh and the Dumina launch themselves in front with the good wind.
However, the wind, after shifting it's direction, came to a stop. Only waves remain. This kind of conditions can damage the mast and the sail.
The big boats lower their sails before the damage is deals. One lantina was broken and one sail was torn apart.
The race turned into a game of cathing any wind at all. Some search for wind in the open sea, while others try their luck near the shore, fighting the waves.
The captians of falkusa were the first to use alternative methods. Before, people used to go to Palagruza by rowing, so why not to Komiza now.
The big leuts pulled out their paddles and continued the regata fighting the waves.
The boats that went to the open sea faced the same problem and solved it in the same way.
By rowing.
We were listening about the drama on the finish line over the radio. Without wind, the best crew was on the light boat that was prepared for a long time of rowing. The Dumina.
In the end, Ive and Pere took the rowing pads into their hands so we entered the finish line rowing too.
At Komiza we were greeted by St. Rocco cannoneers from Sutivana from the island of Brac, and the hosts prepared the best part of the bay.
This is a big day for them. These kind of images were only seen in the stories of the elderly.

For most of us this was a first time in Komiza. This distant, almost surreal place is now our host, and now we're getting ready for a long journey, to the mythical Palagruza.
Twilight in Komiza, and the show prepared for this historical regata is starting. Traditional singers sing under the fort Komuna and under the moonlight. Tomorrow will be a full moon.
At Palagruza.
Rota palagruzona 2010