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tradition represented by the lateen sail



Even when we were preparing for the trip, we sensed the possibility of bad weather. A little rain, a little wind, a little more sun. Spring in the Mediterranean. The big boat parade, planned for the first day, was canceled before departure due to expected bad weather. In cloudy weather, we set up the exhibition and exhibits in tents, boats and a "falkusa" in front of the tents, and another "falkusa" in the sea. In the evening, the opening ceremony of the festival was canceled for "security reasons", and access to the harbor was prohibited. The next morning the "safety reasons" become increasingly clear even though the air is thick with sea foam, dust and salt. 50 knots to the southerly wind in the open sea, and 35 knots in front of the harbor, waves of 5-6 m were raised, overthrew everything that was not well secured and made traffic difficult on parts of the road along the sea. Breakwaters 2 km long, 7-10 m high and 40 m wide protected the harbor from the impact of waves. Everything else we had to endure. And then the rain came. Heavy showers forced everyone to take cover and wait for her to pass. Scattered equipment, torn umbrellas.


After a fierce southerly wind, the Croatian Day took place in very nice weather. A combination of circumstances led to the fact that the first formal manifestation with distinguished guests and leading people of the festival was precisely in our festival village. All the program backlog of the first day and the richness of the content of the second day were squeezed into that morning. Bands marched through the city with military and naval musical programs, ships flew flags drying from yesterday's showers, three warships showed how painful a battle could look in which every breath of wind can help achieve a better position to fire cannons at the opponent. The sailors explained the role of their ships in their lives and that of their subordinates. Here, the falkuša proved to be interesting to the listeners compared to the big sailing ships and the long queues to visit them. However, the delicacies served attracted the most attention. Prosciutto, pancetta, salted sardines and anchovies, kulen, goulash, cheese, capers, olives, pastas...


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