Finally I've managed to come to Zlarin. For the last six years I couldn't find the time to visit this island just three miles away from the island of Prvić.
The most wonderful sight for any fan of traditional sailing and organizer is a crowd of arriving boats. The first arrivals were from the nearby area: Tribunj, Šepurine, Srima, Jezera, Vodice, Šibenik. Next visitors were from Betina, Murter, Pašman and Biograd. A lot of boats came, the most in the last seven years of the Zlarin regatta. We shout to each other:
- Hey there!
- How are you doing?
- Come get some brunch.
Canned meat and tomatos or gulash. The host is nowhere to be seen. A couple of chairs in the shade would have been nice. We were spending our time in cafes, singing some songs until it was time to prepare the boats for start.
Bažokić is setting up a new sail on his leut, Cum is assigning who will be responsible for what, Šime is setting up the sail for a quick start and Zec is comparing the position of his gajeta with others.
The last few days were very hot with almost no wind. Organizers are hoping for jugo, so they set a long route to the island of Dugo and back, seven miles in total.
Thirty-four boats signed up. They all group up tightly to the starting line awaiting the signal to begin. Uninformed sailors in the vicinity curiously observe this large and colorfull group. Just as the regata began, a good wind started blowing and the boats rushed forward twoards the open sea. This was an exceptional regata, and it's a real shame there were no announcments so that people knew what was going on.
The boats all grouped up tightly, so with some of them "stealing" wind and with the unpredictable lee, who's in the lead varies a lot. After a couple hunderd meters, the favourites manage to get in front of the group, with Kurnatarica in the lead followed by Dumina and young Fržopi in their kaić. Cicibela is close, as well as the šepurinian leut Jadranka and Bažokić from Murter.
After an hour, things took a turn for the worse.
The wind stopped completely, and sailing turned into floating. Organizers had to cancel the regata and announce the winners based on the current positions. Fržopi and Stipaničev struggled for first place, and Fržopi won. This win is very significant for Fržopi, because now they're first in the overall standings, not just their class.
I observe Tijat from a boardwalk on Zlarin. There is a mass on top of Tijat, at the iron cross. It is held once a year and it is a remarkable event.
Lateen sail continue season. Betina, Šepurina, Murter ... are waiting.