BURTIZ - LATEEN SAIL tradition represented by the lateen sail
In the first years of Lateen sail the regata had around ten boats competeing. Ten years later kids sail on ten boats.
The kids put on an excellent performance. Bravo.
The traditional marenda was served on saturday morning for the guests and tourists. A new event was introduced last year, Posada Bazokiceva leuta tuce mrtu za crviti mrize.
If you don't know what this event is, come visit Murter and you can see for yourself.
The traditional dinner in Betina was held in the afternoon. Betina is a short boat trip away. Families, guests and friends all travel in gajetas to visit the hosts.
Before the barbeque there was a lecture about gajetas and the differences between the two most dominant types of gajetas on our coast. It was held by Roko Markovina, and he did a great job.
The next morning started with yet another good lecture. Professor Giovanni Panella talker about the history of traditional boats in Italy, their restoration and how the sail. Seeing that a lot of processes are very similar to our when it comes to restoring traditional boats, reading the whole lecture is highly recommended, translated by prof. Vladimir Skracic.