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tradition represented by the lateen sail


End of the summer season is the time when the regata Lateen sail held. The biggest event in traditional sailing gathered almost 80 boats, just like the years before.

Through two hours of sailing few of the favourites dealt with the competitive part of the regata. The rest of the competitors were enjoying a true traditional sailing festival.

Ciro Burtina, a legend of betinian shipbuilding, won the title despite a very fierce competition. Young skipers were overcome by expirience and an overwhelming feel of the boat, wind, sails and land.

If there will ever be a festival of the sea simmilar to famous in Brest, these people will be the first to accomplish that. Let us help them, let us be a part of that.

Kurnatarice sings

Lateen sail 2011
Lateen sail days

video: Bazokici

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