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tradition represented by the lateen sail


For the last couple of days participants of the Lateen sail regatta have been arriving on the island of Murter. This is the biggest event in naval tradition in Croatia. This year there were almost 80 boats. For anyone who wants to show support to this tradition, or just loves the traditional boats and sailing, this is the best event to attend. Everyone that hosts similar events attend this as their own. Our friends from Hvar manage to gather only a few boats for their regatta, but they come to Murter with all of their boats. People are arriving from all over the coast, gathering for their celebration, their festival. Everyone does what they can to keep this event successful. This year the program is richer than ever. Along with two photo exhibitions, there were recitals and book presentations and much more.

The expectation of bad weather got our organizers worried. Weak wind, possible rain and strong jugo.

Let's get back to the regatta. Wind was weak until we went furhter away from the coast where it was a bit stronger, so all of the 80 boats started sailing with full sails. It was suprising to see even the bigger boats sail so fluidly with such wind speeds.


The joy of sailing.

This sailing season was marked by unpredictable weather. First we expected bonaca, then the forecast said to expect jugo. Guests were still arriving in spite of these weather conditions, and for that we thank them.

Sailing to the island of Sustipanac was easy and interesting. The island's surrounding area is famous to sailors for it's lees, bonacas and strong currents. After we passed Sustipanac the wind wasn't going in our favor. Just before the finish line, which was moved from the old Murterian port to the cape behind Gradine, the wind completely stopped and boats were floating to it.

Traditionally the start on Murter is magificent. But why the start? Because then we can see how many people came, how many boats arrived, and how willing are people to keep this tradition going forward. It is always great to see new boats, as well as seeing an old one renovated. But the huge audience is also worth mentioning. They planned their holidays and free days so they could make it to this event. They are just as big and important part of this festival as the rest.

Lateen sail 2012

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