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tradition represented by the lateen sail

ROTA PALAGRUZONA 2010 - Palagruza - Komiza

For our trip back we had to be extra caustious and reasonable, due to our past expiriences with the weather. As soon as dawn breaks, everybody got up and set sail to Komiza, since the weather was quiet. Winds could go from bura to maestral, so it's better to avoid them.

Once again we turn to gaze upon the magnificent beach. Just southeastern from here is Mala Palagruza, but we have no intentions of visiting it.

Passing the point where almost everyone had major problems with the wind the day before we come on the sunny side.

After the last day's savagery Palagruza now seems very timid. Off we go to Vis.

The clouds in the distance tower above italian soil. Palagruza vanishes from sight.

We're back at Komiza.

The final commemoration for the Rota Palagruzona was held in the evening. The organizers can be proud of their work and especially thakfull for the participation of sailors from Slovenia to Dubrovnik. Without them, there would be no regata.

Two people, who probably deserve most of the credits for bringing back the traditional sailing to Croatia, spoke to us.

Josko Bozanic and Zeljko Jerat.

Rota palagruzona 2010

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