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tradition represented by the lateen sail
10. 5. 2022.


The romanticized image of the seaport, as it is usually shown in such manifestations, was the center of life not only of a certain settlement but also of the region. The intersection of all possible crafts, services, but also entertainment and trade. Due to sailors from different cultures and traditions, a varied catering industry has developed. Exactly such catering is still offered in such ports, but not as a display of the former offer in ports, but as a normal state of traditional cuisine of many countries represented at the festival.

Sailing has always been a dangerous activity. Which is due to unknown weather conditions, which is due to widespread piracy. Until the advent of cannons, crews fought with axes, swords, spears and arrows, so who survives. With the advent of cannons, ships were trying to get in a favorable position to shoot in front of opponents. All maneuvers were done only with the help of sails, and to control the sails part of the crew had to be up on the masts between the sails and ropes. Stronger winds are useful for faster maneuvering, but anything better for battle is difficult for the crew. This depiction of the battle was prepared by the Czech brick La Grace and the Italian bare Pandora. The battle shown in this way is very simplified and really idealized, so it only shows the weight of the real battle to those who are familiar with sailing. Warrior and naval skills were at a high price.


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